You are here : Hardwood Species > Dibetou


Bibolo (Dibetou)

Other names

Bibolo, African Walnut, Noyer d'Afrique, Tigerwood

Scientific Name

Lovoa trichilioides, Lovoa klaineana




The heartwood is bronze orange-brown, with gum lines causing black streaks or lines. The grain is usually interlocked, but is sometimes straight, texture moderately fine to fine. The wood is lustrous and has an attractive appearance, with a ribbon-like aspect on quarter-sawn surfaces. It has a cedar-like scent.


(H=12%) : 0,53


not permeable


With some caution, it air dries and kiln dries well, with only slight risk of distortion and checking


moderately stable

Classe de durabilité

Decay resistance is rated as moderately durable, with the heartwood being resistant to powder post beetles, but susceptible to termites


The wood is easy to saw and work; ordinary equipment can be used. There is some tendency of picking up of grain when the wood is quarter-sawn, and planing may be difficult because of the presence of interlocked grain, resulting in tearing. A cutting angle of 15–20° is recommended. Tools should be kept sharp. The nailing and screwing properties are good, although there may be some tendency to splitting. The wood finishes well, but for a fine polish the use of a filler is recommended. The gluing, painting and varnishing properties are satisfactory, the steam bending properties moderate.


  • Cabinetwork (high class furniture)
  • Current furniture or furniture components
  • Sliced veneer
  • Interior panelling
  • Veneer for back or face of plywood
  • Interior joinery
  • Turned goods
  • Seats
  • Light carpentry

Notes : Should not be confused with Walnut (Juglans spp.), only colours are similar.

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